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Why does the DNA process take so long?

Why does the DNA process take so long?

This leaflet has been written from our experience and expertise. In this leaflet we discuss why this process takes so long, and why it’s different for every case and what we are doing about it!!

If you have difficulties with language or reading, please let us know and we will read this information over the phone or to someone who can support you.  Should you need any further information or support about this matter you can phone or email us via the details on our website.

We know it is frustrating to wait to hear from us about your DNA search. As we say from the start of our process, we are reliant on good matches to develop the search. Once we have those, we can proceed build your family tree and ultimately write to the relatives we think can help and piece together who you’re looking for.

Some people must think ‘I could just get on-line and do this’.  So, these notes are just to give the details as to why it takes so long, and to let you know that we are always working behind the scenes to push your case forward.

The most important thing to know is that we are obligated by data protection and our own ethical practices to ensure we protect everyone in the process, yourself included.

We have internal inspections of our processes to see that we are keeping to the appropriate actions to keep you safe.

Firstly, we need to good matches to investigate and research, these must be on the correct side of your family line. This would be paternal or maternal side depending on who you are looking for. If we get a good match on the right side, then we will investigate that branch of DNA matches family tree.

This allows us to look for the right person but also allows us to discount matches that are not relevant. We will look at various branches during your search, most of this research ends up being discounted but it’s the only way to know for sure who is connected and who is not.

This process takes hours of work and research over several weeks and months. It can mean picking the search up, checking information and then filing it again until we find what we need.

If after this process we can take the search forward by writing to people we will do that and we will speak to anyone who responds, again this is done to piece together the research and lead to the correct person. We cannot control who responds to our letters and if this doesn’t work, we must go back through the research to look for other matches and repeat the process.

Each search is looked at by at least five different people here at Relative Connections, this will always include our DNA consultant but also our DNA researchers and genealogy specialists too, as well as an array of support staff. Each one is here to support you and to help you understand what we are doing and how the search is progressing.

It is important to let us know if you think we are failing in that. As the saying goes if you are not happy, please let us know so we can do something about it.

Once this task is complete and we can identify the person you are looking for. At that point, your search will pass over to our Intermediary team.

Their process can last another three months as we work to get a response from your relative and help them understand who we are and why we have contacted them. Again, we must protect everyone and ensure there are no safeguarding issues or problems.

When you add all these steps together, we have many DNA searches that we are still working on from 2019. This is because we want to get you answers. We don’t like to give up on a search and as the DNA databases grow, we want to make sure we can keep checking to ensure you feel we are working hard for you.

If you feel you no longer wish to continue, please let us know and we will provide a report of the work we have done for your records.

Rest assured that we all work hard to move searches to positive conclusions as soon as possible.

  • We have dedicated people to do the searches for you. They are trained in Data protection, safeguarding and mental Health awareness.
  • We take advice and support from DNA experts, Doctors, and solicitors to ensure our processes are fair and legal and give the best chance of a successful outcome.
  • We have notified both our local MP and spoken to National Government about our work to ensure best practice.

Rest assured that on behalf of all our clients, and the subject of our searches, we are grinding away to get a good result.

Please talk to us if you are wondering what is happening and we will give you the latest update on your file. 

From the DNA team at Relative Connections.