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Tracking Down Old Clients

Tracking Down Old Clients

About the Author of this tracking down old clients article.

My name is David Oates, I am the Head Researcher at Relative Connections, you can view my LinkedIn by clicking here.

So what do we do for our clients?

Quite simply we found current addresses and telephone numbers for old clients who had moved.

Our client can then contact them to see if their needs are being met.

I was chatting to our client about our services for tracking down old clients. I asked why he used us, “it’s just easy” was the answer. He elaborated a little…

“We send you a batch of names and addresses of previous clients. You cleanse the data and I get my team to phone and write to the new names and address. It’s a great way to re-engage with an old customer

It got me thinking. Is this a service that would appeal to other IFA’s? Because it could be!

Well as these things do we had an enquiry from a few weeks ago from a larger IFA based in the North of England.

Long story short they decided to use us to do the same type of work, the first batch was 120 previous clients to find.

What can we find?

They passed us over the information in an excel spreadsheet. They added the fields into the spreadsheet that they wanted us to fill in for them…

  • Current Address
  • Current name
  • Any new telephone numbers
  • Any other information

So both myself and the two clients realised that this is a service that is cost effective to provide yet massively helpful for them.

When a client moved house

It’s so easy for a client to move address, change their telephone number or name.

Suddenly you have no way of contacting them.

But a service that needs providing.

That’s where we come in, we can discreetly, legally and cost effectively  find the clients new address, contact details and name.

We have access to all the latest systems to find people. We have also worked for councils (Burnley), Solicitors and even religious organisations.

How to get in touch

So if you’re reading this and feel like we might be able to help you please get in touch.

You can Call Jake now on 0113 282 5900 and we’ll be happy to put a quote together for you. We can find 10 previous customers or 10,000. What’s important to us is that we help you.

We are easy to work with and can tailor the service to your exact needs.

All searches are guaranteed to be correct.

So if you need to track down old clients please do get in touch. Let’s see if we can help you tracking down old clients.