Filing a CCJ Claim without knowing an address is impossible. Well technically you can file the claim and you may get the judgment but you run the risk of having the judgment set aside as the debtor will have no knowledge of the proceedings. It’s also worth saying that there is no way the courts will help you to trace them for you. As members of the Credit Services Association we are able to help with tracing debtors.
So what should you do?
Well simply put it’s best to get the address before you file. I’m sure that this is frustrating to read but it needn’t be. We can get the address for you. Put you in the driving seat and get you one step closer to getting your money back.
We don’t want to waste your time so I’m not going to spend anytime giving you strategies to get the address yourself. I’m going to presume that you’re willing to pay less than £200 to get the address by the end of the week, file you’re claim and move on with your life. If I’ve got that wrong and you want to do your own searches click here to read How to find someone who owes you money.
Finding an address to file a CCJ Claim…
Here at Relative Connections we specialise in finding the address for you. We do so quickly, cost effectively and with minimum fuss to you. The person also won’t know that they have been located.
We will get a current residential address of the person you wish to file the claim against. Should you wish to know more about them such as their employment details or if they already have any unpaid CCJs we can find out things like that too.
If you’d like to know more or just place an enquiry to have someone found CLICK HERE to visit our debtor tracing page and let’s get this sorted out for you.
If you’d like to know more…
We’re regulated by the Credit Services Association and are data protection compliant so we can access some really great information (that’s not publicly available) to find your debtor. All we ask is that you have a solicitor in place to accept the report from us on completion.
We pride ourselves on our customer service and are never more than a phone call away.
Our standard search has a 10 day turnaround but we can scale that all the way to a same day service should it be required.
If you have any questions, need any further advice or want to know more. Just call us now on 0113 2825900 and we’ll be delighted to help you.
We hope you’ve found this webpage short and to the point and we’ve answered your query – How to file a CCJ claim without knowing an address.